Save Code
Tapping this icon will allow you to save any code you are currently busy assembling. You will be
prompted to give your project a name. Tapping on this icon again after already first saving your
code will save any changes you made since the last save.
Execute Code / Play Button
After you’ve assembled a program with code blocks in the Work Area, you can run your code on
your robot by tapping the Play Button. After tapping the Play Button, your code is sent to your
robot continuously, in real-time! This means that you can make changes and see the results
After tapping the Play Button, it changes to a Stop Button. Tapping this will stop the sending of
your code to your robot.
Open Controller
Tapping the controller icon will open the Controller Screen. This screen contains a controller
with various buttons that you can program to achieve different results. You can program these
buttons but using blocks from the “Controller” code blocks section.
Refresh Coding Screen
There may be times when you'd like nothing more than a fresh start. Tapping this icon will
refresh the entire app. However, with great power, comes great responsibility: tapping this icon
will cause everything to be reset to the default state. This means that you’ll lose any unsaved
code still present in the Work Area and you’ll also lose connection to your robot. Ensure that you
saved any code you wish to keep before using this button.
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