Saved Code
This menu item takes you to a folder where all your previously saved projects are stored. Once
registered, your saved projects are tied to your unique profile, so you can log in to MiiCode from
another device and access your projects and continue working on them!
Curriculum Viewer
This menu item allows you to view all the learning material, fun projects and challenges
associated with MiiRo Bot and MiiCode. The Curriculum comprises various modules focusing on
different aspects of the MiiRo Bot. Everyone gets access to introductory content to get you
started, and later when you decide you want a bit more, you can upgrade to a Premium Account
to access more specialized content. This section is also constantly updated with new challenges
and learning material, so check in regularly.
Classroom components
This is where things get interesting, These components are used to interact with your teacher in
a classroom setting. With this feature, you will be able to receive assignments straight from your
teacher, complete it and then send it back. You can also monitor any messages sent within your
class, that way you will always be updated!
Calibration (Robot tuning)
As the name suggests, this is where you get the option of getting more control. Fine-tune your
robot to exactly the way you like it. You will be able to calibrate the different motors for the
forward and reverse directions. Also, if you want to see exactly what is being sent back from
your robot, I’d have a look at the bottom of this page.
Robot Support
This section is where all robot support documents are stored. This included Instruction Manuals,
Getting Started Guides, Calibration Sheets, and much more. If you’re ever in need of help,
check this section out!
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