MiiCode Mobile App
The MiiCode Mobile App is used to not only interact with your MiiRo Bot but also contains a
wealth of useful information and plenty of features that will aid you on your journey through the
wonderful world of robotics!
Main Screen and Menu Items
This section details the Main Screen of the Mobile App and explores the various Menu Item
options available.
Code Blocks
The MiiCode App uses a block-based programming language. This means that you construct
programs for your robot by connecting different blocks together. All the available code blocks
are contained in these sections. Simply drag the desired blocks from the Code Blocks menus
onto the Work Area. Using these blocks, you can build interesting programs that will make your
MiiRo Bot perform some amazing actions.
Bluetooth Connection
Tap this icon to navigate to the Bluetooth Connection page. The Bluetooth Connection icon will
turn blue when your robot is successfully paired with your smart mobile device.
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