1. What is Firmware?
Firmware is the program that runs on a Microcontroller device. In this case, it’s the code that
runs on the Microcontroller that powers your MiiRo Bot. The original MiiRo Bot Firmware
enables you to use MiiCode to program your robot.
2. I am not able to zoom in or out on the MiiCode Mobile App
When opening the MiiCode app and the zoom functions don’t work, simply refresh the app by
tapping the Refresh button at the bottom right of the screen. Remember though, you’ll lose all
unsaved code and your connection to your robot. So use with caution!
3. My wheels don’t move
When plugging in the wheels of the MiiRo Bot make sure that the wire colours are connected as
shown in the instruction manual. If the motor connectors are swapped around, the motors will
not move.
4. The left wheel moves when the right wheel is chosen in the
MiiCode app (and vice versa)
This happens when the opposite motor is connected to the specified motor connector. Swop
these motors around and the issue should be fixed.
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