Drill or punch a central hole Ø22 and put the sensor with a flange into it.
Drill in the tank body 5 holes for flange setting (it is possible to make holes by self-drilling
screws). Example of holes drilling for self-drilling screws installation is the flange ES.001,
shown in Pic. 8.2. This picture also shows the reference sizes of flange setting.
Pic. 8.2 Size and method of flange setting on fuel tank
Remove the sensor with flange.
You must remove the chip from drilling of the holes, and
also make sure that there are no foreign objects and trash on the tank
Lubricate both sides of the gasket 5320-382713 and self-drilling screws with sealant. The
type of sealant is shown in Table 5.
Set the flange ES.001 and gasket to the prepared surface of the fuel tank with help of a self-
drilling screw ES.004 (with an extra hole, provided for sealing). The screw should be placed
on the right side from the cable input, as shown in Picture 8.3.
Fix the flange with four self-drilling screws 9Т64219-2.
Pic. 8.3 Position of screw with a hole for sealing