SenSmart 3000 User's Manual
Document: UM-1003
Revision Level B
taken this technology a step further. A tiny memory IC is incorporated into SenSmart 3000
factory supplied Smart sensors allowing them to contain the entire database of SenSmart 3000
parameters onboard the replaceable Smart Sensor assembly (Figure 2-9). This unique
Sensor Interface
may be used to configure smart sensors and / or SenSmart 3000
’s from a PC
rather than entering all variables via the magnetic keypad.
Electrochemical and catalytic bead smart sensors both plug into the 10-0247
Smart Sensor
that connects to SenSmart 3000 electronics with its 8-conductor Smart Sensor Interface
cable (Figure 2-9).
: 10-0247 Smart sensor heads with electrochemical toxic / oxygen sensors must
connect to S1 located on the back of the 10-0232 Display Assembly (Figure 2-4). 10-0247 Smart
sensor heads with catalytic bead combustible sensors must connect to S1 located on the optional
I/O PCB assembly (Figure 2-5).
Figure 2-9: 10-0247 Smart Sensor Head Assembly
Smart Sensors are automatically recognized by the SenSmart 3000. The Smart Sensor
identification screen in Figure 2-10 is shown after power-up, upon installation of a new smart
sensor or by viewing INPUT type in the SENSOR SETTINGS / INFO menu (section 5-5).
T y p e : C a t - B e a d
S p a n : 10 0
Z e r o : 0
S N : x x x x x x
B o r n On : 0 1/ 2 8 / 0 4
L a s t C a l : 0 4 / 0 5 / 0 4
A N Y k e y t o E x i t
E R R OR C OD E 0 1
I n c o r r e c t S e n s o r
i n s t a l l e d . I n s t a l l
c o r r e c t s e n s o r o r
u p d a t e t r a n s mi t t e r .
E D I T k e y t o u p d a t e .
A n y o t h e r t o a b o r t .
If installed sensor
type does not match
transmitter database
Figure 2-10: Smart Sensor Info / ERROR Screens
“Sensor Type” and SenSmart 3000 Signal Conditioning
Catalytic bead and electrochemical sensors obviously have different signal conditioning
requirements. In addition, same sensor types have different response coefficients, signal
strength and gain and offset requirements. The block / wiring diagram in Figure 2-11 illustrates
how SenSmart 3000
’s are able to accept many sensor types without the need of manual
potentiometers or jumpers. Smart Sensors carry this setup information with each sensor.