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Finned copper tube gas boilers & water heaters – Boiler Manual
e) Test for spillage at the draft hood relief opening aft er 5 minutes
of main burner operation. Use the fl ame of a match or candle,
or smoke from a cigarett e, cigar or pipe.
Faire fonctionner le brûleur principal pendant 5 min ensuite,
déterminer si le coupe-tirage déborde à l'ouverture de décharge.
Utiliser la fl amme d'une allunett e ou d'une chandelle ou la fumée
d'une cigarett e, d'un cigare ou d'une pipe.
f) Aft er it has been determined that each appliance remaining
connected to the common venting system properly vents when
tested as outlined above, return doors, windows, exhaust fans,
fi replace dampers and any other gas-burning appliance to their
previous condition of use.
Une fois qu'il a été déterminé, selon la métode indiquée cidessus,
que chaque appareil raccordé au système d'évacuation est mis à
l'air libre de façor adéquate. Remett re les portes et les fenêtres, les
ventilateurs, les registres de cheminées et les appareils au gaz à
leur position originale.
g) Any improper operation of the common venting system should
be corrected so the installation conforms with the National Fuel
Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54. When resizing any portion
of the common venting system, the common venting system
should be resized to approach the minimum size as determined
using the appropriate tables in Appendix F in the National Fuel
Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54 and or CAN/CGA-B149
Installation Codes.
Tout mauvais fonctionnement du systéme d'évacu-tion commun
devrait étré corrigé de façor que l'installation soit conforme au
National Fue Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54 et (ou) aux
codes d'installation CSA-B149. Si la grosseur d'une section
du système d'évacuation doit étré modifi ée, le système devrait
étré modifi é pour respecter les valeurs minimales des tableaux
pertinents de l'appendice F du National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI
Z223.1/NFPA 54 et (ou) des codes d'installation CAN/
Improper piping of this boiler/water heater will void
the manufacturer's warranty and can cause boiler failure
resulting in fl ooding and extensive property damage!
Excessive water hardness causing scaling in the copper
heat exchanger tubes is NOT covered under the
manufacturer's warranty. Excessive pitt ing and erosion
of the internal surface of the copper heat exchanger
tubes is NOT covered under the manufacturer's
warranty if the result of high water fl ow rates, see Table
7. Return water temperatures below 125°F, 52°C will
result in heat exchanger damage from excessive
condensation voiding the manufacturer's warranty, see
Primary/Secondary Piping Figure 11.
Shut off valves and unions should be installed at the
inlet and outlet connections of the boiler/water heater
to provide for isolation of the unit should servicing
be necessary.
Freeze Protection
Th is boiler/water heater is CSA designed certifi ed for outdoor
installation. Outdoor installations in areas where the danger of
freezing exists are not recommended unless proper freeze protection
is provided. If the unit is to be installed in such an area the following
precautions MUST be observed:
1. A continuous fl ow of water through the boiler/water heater
MUST be maintained! Th e pump respon-sible for fl ow through
the boiler/water heater must run continuously!
2. An ethylene glycol/water mixture suitable for the minimum
temperature that the unit will be exposed to must be used. Th e
pump must be capable of producing a minimum of 15% more
fl ow and overcoming a 20% increase in head loss. Domestic
water systems must be isolated from the water heater by the
use of a heat exchanger or other approved method.
3. If the boiler/water heater must be shut off for any reason the
electric, gas and water supplies MUST be shut off and the unit
and its pump completely drained.
Improper outdoor installation of this boiler/water heater
can cause boiler failure voiding the manufacturer's