3) Function: Read the alarm temperature of the radiator
Example: Send byte AA C2 00 00 00 00 E0;
Return byte D2 00 00 FA F0.
00 FA is converted into a decimal number of 250, which means that the radiator alarm temperature is 25.0
4) Function: Read LD alarm temperature
Example: Send byte AA C3 00 00 00 00 E0;
Return byte D3 00 00 FA F0.
00 FA is converted into a decimal number of 250, which means that the LD alarm temperature is 25.0
5) Function: Set continuous mode LD enable and power value (continuous mode) Example: AA A4 00 01 00
64 E0
AA A4 means frame header and command
00 01 means LD enable is turned on, if it is 00 00 means LD enable is turned off
00 64 means to set the continuous mode output power value (10W):
Power conversion: 10W*10=100, converted into hexadecimal number 00 64;
The returned byte is B4 F0, which means that the LD enable is turned on and the continuous mode output
power is set to 10W successfully.
6) Function: Read continuous mode LD power value
Example: Send byte AA C4 00 00 00 00 E0;
Return byte D4 00 64 F0
00 FA is converted into decimal system as 100, which represents the LD power value is 10W.
7) Function: Set the power of Y section of X group in custom mode
X value range is 01-06; Y value range is 01-16;
Example: Set the first pulse power to 5W; 5*10=50 is converted into hexadecimal to 00 32;
The sent byte is AA A5 01[group] 01[segment] 00 32 E0; the returned byte is B5 01 F0, which means the setting
is successful.
8) Function: Read the power of Y section of X group in customized mode
X value range is 01-06; Y value range is 01-16; Example: Read the first segment pulse power of the first group;
Send byte AA C5 01 01 00 00 E0;
Return byte D5 01 01 00 32 F0.
00 32 is converted to decimal number 50, which represents 5W;