55M4300CCE00 Rev A
Allow the crane to settle (monitor the live angle and pressure readings shown here) and
once the readings are stable press
to record the calibration point. Repeat this
procedure for each calibration point in turn as prompted starting with all angles for
length 1 then length 2 etc. until all lengths and angles have been recorded. At the end
of each length sequence the system will pause to automatically save the calibration data
up to this point. If the calibration is exited at this stage then the system will display the
following screen when the no load calibration is reselected, allowing the procedure to
continue from the same point without the need to redo the completed section.
the incomplete calibration will be lost if the duty is changed before returning to
the no load calibration procedure.
When the final calibration point is accepted the i4300 will automatically save the data
and display the following confirmation screen:
to return to the main calibration menu.
To exit the no load calibration at any point prior to completion press
then confirm
the action by pressing