4. All PCs powered up without keyboard error, but the keyboard at
MasterConsole II has no control (cannot input to any PC).
Make sure the keyboard is connected firmly into
MasterConsole II. Disconnect and reconnect keyboard.
Replace keyboard. (MasterConsole II allows hot re-con-
nection of keyboard at its Keyboard port.)
In a two-tier configuration, check that the MasterConsole
II with the keyboard connected is the base unit.
5. Repeated “KB ERROR" at power-up of PC.
The keyboard cable from the PC to MasterConsole II is
loose. Secure the connection and power up the PC
If the problem occurs after MasterConsole II has been
installed for a period of time, and occurs on PCs that
have previously worked with MasterConsole II , then
some components are out of order. Verify that the PC
works with the keyboard when connected directly. Then
contact your dealer or Raritan Computer for service.
6. After a period of trouble-free operation, the keyboard attached
to MasterConsole II locks (unable to input keystrokes) when a
particular PC is selected, but works normally when other PCs
are selected.
The most likely cause of the problem is either a voltage
"spike" (increase) or a "brown out" (decrease) in the
power supply, which would cause the microprocessors
in MasterConsole II to malfunction. A short-term solution
to the problem is to try to recover operation by turning
the MasterConsole II power switch off and on. Then, if
necessary, restart all PCs. The long-term method of
avoiding this problem is to power MasterConsole from a
Check keyboard connection.