idea of human beings touching your models, but if it is a matter of gluing an exhaust
stack back on you can do it yourself in less than a minute with a drop of white glue. If
you really want to send your model back to us for us to install that, we would be happy
to. But if you do send it back to us for us to put that one part back on and other stuff falls
off when we send it back to you, then tough tooties. We’re not fixing it again.
If you see some grab irons are missing and they are not floating around the packaging,
let us know and we will send you replacements. More information about our limited
lifetime warranty can be found towards the end of this manual.
If you need to open up your SW1200 (to install a crew, install a decoder, etc.) and you
also own our first production run of the SW1200RS (that’s the Canadian version, eh) it
not assembled the same
. We learned a lot, so please read carefully. You will need
to follow these steps:
• Your locomotive is quantum linked with its counterpart in a mirror universe.
Unfortunately, the model in the mirror universe has no detail parts. Should any
detail parts on your model fly off, the Tantalus Field in the mirror universe will
automatically retrieve those parts and install them on your model’s counterpart.
That means they are gone for good, or at least until molecular transporters or
TOMTIT machines are invented. If you don’t understand any of this paragraph,
just please remember that DETAILS VERY VERY SMALL. CAN BE LOST EASY.
• To that end, please make every effort to ensure nothing flies away. We normally
suggest you work in a room with everything white – walls, floor, ceiling,
workbench, tools, clothes – but just to be safe we advise that you also work in a
pressurized environment that looks like the inside of a NASA Shuttlecraft. Actually
that would be really cool. If you do this, invite us over! Please?
• Turn the locomotive upside down in a foam cradle (painted white, of course)
and remove the middle screw between the rear truck and the rear steps (1).
Then, below the face of the cab are two tabs locking the cab to the chassis (2).
Press these in until the cab disengages but do not remove the cab just yet. Turn
the locomotive back on its wheels and remove the 4 handrails attached to the
cab (two long hood rails and two step rails, if applicable) (3). Now, lift/tilt the
locomotive cab backwards (as though
the engineer put a little something extra
into the fuel and the engine took off)
and remove the cab from the body (4).
Be careful as versions of the SW1200
equipped with a beacon/strobe on the
roof may have additional wires coming
from the cab.