If you press F8 when the locomotive is already moving, it will skip the startup and the
sound will just turn on. Press F8 again to turn the sound off.
Note that if you are listening to your SW1200 idling nicely and then you select another
engine with your throttle, your locomotive still thinks F8 is pressed so it will keep idling
along. However, if someone else selects your locomotive’s number and F8 isn’t pressed
on his or her controller, the SW1200 will promptly shut down. They will need to press
F8 again.
F0 Headlights
F10 Independent Brake
F1 Bell
F11 Class Lights (if equipped)
F2 Horn
F12 Switching Mode
F3 Curve Squeal
F13 Gyralite (if equipped)
F4 Dynamic Brake
F14 Emergency Light (if equipped)
F5 Doppler Horn
F16 Cab Light
F6 Rotary Beacon (if equipped)
F17 Flashing Beacon (if equipped)
F7 Dim the Headlights
F18 Track Inspection Lights
F8 Startup/Mute/Shutdown
F19 Turn off Numberboards
F9 Full Throttle
F20 Air Dryer (Spitter Valve)
Rapido products are designed to operate safely between 0V and 16V. Voltages in
excess of 16V - as well as irregular waveforms, voltage spikes or short circuits -
may cause severe and sometimes irreversible damage to the product. “Train set”
power packs are known to suffer from any one of these unexpected irregularities,
whereas higher-end systems have safeguards in place to prevent this. Rapido
always recommends using a power supply system that matches the quality of
the models you are running. If you’re reading this, you’ve obviously invested in
top-of-the-line, museum-quality motive power and equipment, so we hope you’ve
made the same investment with your model railroad power supply too.
While many power supply systems exist, some are known to have caused problems
with model train circuitry in the past. If you have any one of the following
systems, PLEASE DO NOT USE IT until you contact us for more information: MRC
RailPower 1300/1370-series, Bachman Spectrum Magnum, Atlas 313 Universal
Power Pack.