What aileron input is required for this flight attitude?
What is the yaw tendency of the aircraft?
What is the roll tendency of the aircraft?
What other tendencies does the aircraft have?
Release the ailerons and use the rudder pedals to maintain
straight flight
What is the rudder trailing position?
What is the aileron trailing position?
What aileron input is required for this flight attitude?
What is the yaw tendency of the aircraft?
What is the roll tendency of the aircraft?
What other tendencies does the aircraft have?
Control the airplane in a straight and level attitude at this air-
Release the controls
Does the airplane YAW first or ROLL first?
Does the airplane continue to bank?
Observe the flight instruments at 85mph level trimmed flight
What is the RPM?
What is the oil pressure?
What is the oil temperature?
What is the CHT?
What is the water pressure?
What is the water temperature?
Reduce the power setting to maintain 65mph
What is the RPM?
Trim for level flight at 65mph and release controls
What is the trim setting required for this condition?
What is the elevator trailing position of the aircraft?
What is the trailing position of the ailerons and flaps?
What is the trailing position of the rudder?
What is the roll tendency of the aircraft?
What is the yaw tendency of the aircraft?
What is the free position of the control stick?
What is the free position of the rudder pedals?
Use the controls to maintain straight and level at this setting
What rudder input is required for straight and level?
What aileron input is required for straight and level?
What other tendencies does the aircraft have?
Release the rudder pedals and use the ailerons to maintain level
What is the rudder trailing position?
What is the aileron trailing position?
What aileron input is required for this flight attitude?
What is the yaw tendency of the aircraft?
What is the roll tendency of the aircraft?
What other tendencies does the aircraft have?
Release the ailerons and use the rudder pedals to maintain
straight flight
What is the rudder trailing position?
What is the aileron trailing position?
What aileron input is required for this flight attitude?
What is the yaw tendency of the aircraft?
What is the roll tendency of the aircraft?
What other tendencies does the aircraft have?
Control the airplane in a straight and level attitude at this air-
Release the controls
Does the airplane YAW first or ROLL first?
Does the airplane continue to bank?
Observe the flight instruments at 65mph level trimmed flight
What is the RPM?
What is the oil pressure?
What is the oil temperature?
What is the CHT?
What is the water pressure?
What is the water temperature?
Take a short break
Maneuver at pilot’s discretion
Dutch rolls
How does the aircraft respond?
30 degree turns left and right
How does the aircraft respond?
Reduce power setting to obtain 65mph
Trim for 65mph and release controls
Add 1 notch of flaps
What NEW roll tendencies did the flaps create?
Содержание S-12
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