Tuesday Night
-Make list
-Prepare pilot notes to take up on clipboard for observing rigging
changes for flight one and two, scheduled for wednesday
-Get ballast strap from mom and ballast bag (1x)
-Try to line up a duffel bag or something of that nature
-Get video, blank video tape, champagne and wine, cooler with ice,
-Get digital camera and anything else not gotten Tuesday night
-Arrive 7:30-8:00
-Buy donuts for inspector
-Screw in aileron stops a few turns to increase travel
-Re-torque all prop bolts
-Re-buff lexan if it looks appropriate
-Wash propellor, bugs!
-Take a second look at the interior and everythign else on the air-
-Dust all surfaces lightly
-Ask about toolboxes, storage etc. in hanger
-Get all tools ready for inspection plate removal if the inspector asks
-Prepare paperwork for inspector, clean up the hanger
-Complete FAA inspection process, take notes
-Comply with all FAA requests
-Get another 5 gallons of premium gasoline, fill it up for test flights
-Fill out aircraft logbooks to reflect FAA inspection status
-Sign off airworthyness/registration and logbook in the final inspection
booklet in the contruction book
Weather and Time Permitting (Wednesday afternoon)
-prepare video camera, camera, digital and so forth
-take photos of the aircraft, interview test pilot
-First flight, 1.0hrs approximate flight time
-Goals are
--climb to 1500AGL in pattern, then leave for a nearby field
--rigging of
ailerons (position free in slipstream)
aileron travel (is it sufficient?)
flaps (roll tendencies)
wing washout (wing high or low)
rudder and vertical stabilizer (ball position wings level)
horizontal stabilizer (stick position in trimmed flight)
--prop pitch adjustments (rev to 5800 possible, 5500=Vc?)
--record all control positions, internally and externally by look-
ing at them including a flight along the runway for observers if the
wind is calm (stiction, temperatures, pressure, etc.)
-The plane should not come out of the air until the pilot has recorded
a specific adjustment for all of the above rigging and prop conditions!
-Immediately following first flight, make all rigging changes including
re-pitch of prop
-Refuel the airplane
-Do a 30 minute preflight inspection before the next flight, check
everything twice and look for problems
-Second Flight, 1.0 to 1.5hrs approximate flight time
-Second flight is a repeat of the first at 1500AGL (compressed) to
verify rigging changes and then spend a half hour goofing around
with the plane, see how things feel and be sure to record tempera-
tures, oil pressure, etc. Record ALL secondary rigging changes and
return to the pattern for touch and go’s
-store plane
-maiden voyage celebration
-discuss schedule with Jim
-take photos of celebration and the newly christened aircraft
-Return to Garden
-Make personal schedule for flight testing phase Thursday morning
-Work to get all necessary maintenance support for the 40 hour fly off
and make an informal schedule
Scheduled Completion of 40 hour flight testing phase:1999.12.01
-Execute 912 stator service bulletin; return tools & old stator to LEAF
-Sign off aircraft inspection report in construction book regarding 912
service bulletin
Содержание S-12
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