Range Road Enterprises Ltd
Box 5 Site 9 RR1
Lacombe, AB T4L 2N1
Install T-handles into track cross supports to hold the log supports in place, adjust bracket on head
unit so that the blade is protected if the head is lower than the log support.
The unit is now fully assembled.
Just a few more items to check off before cutting:
Fuel can be added to the fuel tank.
Approx. 1.5L of engine oil can be added to the crankcase (5W-30 OR 10W-30) conventional oil.
Before starting engine, double check all bolts are tight on the whole unit.
It’s a good idea to open the front doors and do a quick inspection on the pulleys, belts and blade
The guides and guide bearings should be adjusted about 1/16” or a business cards width away from the
The drive belt tension should be double checked and adjusted if necessary.
Blade tension should also be double checked – looking for about 32 ft/lbs if using a torque wrench on
the big nut on the orange T-handle.
When firing up the machine for the first time, run at an idle, verify there are no fuel leaks.