Range Road Enterprises Ltd
Box 5 Site 9 RR1
Lacombe, AB T4L 2N1
Assemble the sawmill head assembly, and loosely assemble the track, then set your assembled
head onto the loose track, the track will automatically move out to the proper width, then run the
sawmill head slowly down and up the track to set the width along the entire length of the track.
For any Sawmill to cut square and straight all pieces have to be squared to each other and
level. Use the adjusting feet to level one rail and then make sure the second rail is level
with the first one.
Place the log support cross tubes on each end and put the bolts in but do not tighten. The log support cross tube
that the next rails will also attach to has 4 holes on each side, this rail will eventually be the center of the rails
and it has a side pocket on it.