Configuration for All Measurement Types
User Manual 1178.5566.02 ─ 07
The trigger master has to use its internal trigger source. Set the trigger source for the
trigger slaves to "Internal [A to D]", where [A to D] is the port to which the trigger mas-
ter is connected. The trigger signal generated by the trigger master is routed to the
R&S NRX and from there it is distributed to the trigger slaves and, if
is set to "Sensor [A to D]", also to the trigger output.
Remote command:
Trigger Master Port ← Specific Trigger
Sets the port where the trigger master sensor outputs a digital trigger signal.
Remote command:
Trigger Synchronize State ← Specific Trigger
Usually used if "On" is set under
If enabled, blocks the external trigger bus as long as the power sensor remains in the
measurement state. Thus, ensures that a new measurement is only started after all
power sensors have completed their measurements.
Make sure that the number of repetitions is the same for all power sensors involved in
the measurement. Otherwise, the trigger bus is blocked by any power sensor that has
completed its measurements before the others and has returned to the idle state.
Remote command:
Trigger Synchronize Port ← Specific Trigger
Sets the internal or external connection for the sync output of the sensor. For more
information, see
Remote command:
Trigger 2 Input Impedance ← Specific Trigger
Requires a power sensor with a trigger input.
Sets the termination resistance of the external trigger signal that is supplied at the trig-
ger input/output of the power sensor. Choose a setting that fits the impedance of the
trigger source to minimize reflections on the trigger signals.
Remote command:
Allice Messtechnik GmbH