RAM Audio LMS244 Digital Controller
4. LMS244 Configuration
4.1. Tool Bar
Once the parameters of a system have been defined it is necessary to transfer the configuration to the
LMS244 where it can be stored to be used exactly as it has been programmed.
This is achieved by use of the Menus or the Tool Bar. The functions of the Tool Bar are as follows:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1. -
New File
: Create a new configuration.
2. -
Open File
: Open a configuration stored in the PC.
3. -
Save File
: Store the current configuration to the PC.
4. -
Generate Report
: Print the current configuration.
5. -
Connect LMS244
: Establish connection between PC (COM port) and LMS244.
6. -
Get Version
: Verify DSP software version.
7. -
Set Password
: Configure the password to lock the keyboard on the LMS244.
8. -
LOCK Keyboard Entry
: Lock the keyboard of the LMS244. Keyboard unavailable.
9. -
UNLOCK Keyboard Entry
: Unlock the keys of the LMS244. Keyboard available.
10. -
Read LMS244 Programs
: Retrieve the configuration of the LMS244.
11. -
Store Configuration
: Store current configuration to LMS244.
12. -
Change Configuration
: Change the LMS244 configuration.
13. -
User Program
: Memory position in which the current configuration will be stored in the LMS244.
Depending on whether the software is used in online or offline mode, some icons on the tool Bar will
remain inactive.
Saving Configurations
A current configuration can be saved at any time to the PC by selecting the icon Save File or by
selecting the option Save or Save As from the File Menu. LMS244 files have the extension .lms.
Retrieving Configurations
Previously saved configurations can be loaded into the program by means of the icon Open File or by
selecting the option Open in the File menu.
To load a configuration from the LMS244, the PC must be connected to the LMS244. If the program
was started in Offline mode it will be necessary to go Online before file transfer from the LMS244 to
the PC is possible. This can be achieved by the icon Connect LMS244.
Please Note
that the LMS244 processor must be in the main menu in order to be able to establish
Once the connection between PC and LMS244 is established the icons of the toolbar relevant to
communication will be active.
After selecting the required configuration and loading it to the program, one of the 19 available
memory positions within the LMS244 can be selected by stepping the User Program number up or
down until you reach the memory position required.