RAM Audio LMS244 Digital Controller
- This process can be repeated for filters from 1 to 6.
- Switching between Mag(nitude) and Phase displays the amplitude or phase of the EQ design.
- The information bar situated at the bottom of the window shows the real-time mouse position in
relation to frequency and amplitude (dB) or phase (degrees).
On completing the desired EQ for a channel, this set of EQ points can be allocated to a further
channel without the need for individually setting the filter parameters for that channel. This is achieved
by means of the Source section of INPUT EQ window. Here you can allocate to each input the EQ
block required: INPUT EQA, INPUT EQB or INPUT EQM.
In the default setting, each INPUT EQ is allocated to it's own input. However, for instance, working in
Stereo usually requires that the EQ settings for channels A and B be identical. Configuring the Source
option of INPUT EQB to the first option on the left (INPUT EQA) will allocate Input B to INPUT EQA.
Thanks to this easy selection of EQ blocks it is possible to run three different Global EQ set-ups on a
3.8. Routing
Following the Input EQ section the signal is presented at points named A, B and M. These points
represent the end of each input path and the beginning of the output paths.
With the Routing Icons it is possible to select which input signal is routed to each output allowing a
multitude of operating configurations:
- 4-way mono system with all the outputs routed to a single input.
- 3-way mono system with 3 outputs fed by a single input plus a fourth independently sourced output.
- 2-way stereo system using inputs in A and B.
- 2-way stereo (input A and B) processor with mono sub-bass (M) plus a fourth independent output.
- Distribution system with each output taking the signal from A, B or M according to requirement.
Each click on a Route Icon progresses the routing option from A to M; to B; to A.
This allows a visual control over which input is routed to which output.
To allow signal routing via Route buttons, the Operating Mode must be set to Free Route, otherwise
the program will show pre-determined routing according to the selected configuration.
3.9. Crossover Configuration
Following the allocation of the input signal (A, B or M) to each output by means of a Routing Icon, the
next step is the determination of the separating filters for the crossover bands.
Selecting the Xover Icons of any output opens the following "Crossover Configuration" window: