RAM Audio LMS244 Digital Controller
In traditional compressors and limiters, the engagement of the dynamic control is very defined
(occurring the moment the signal passes the threshold). Their performance can be audibly noticed
affecting the natural dynamics of music.
To avoid this problem, especially in multi-way P.A. applications, RAM Audio uses Continuous Ratio
Increment (C.R.I.) dynamic curves in which the threshold changes from a defined angle to a
continuous curve that perfectly links the linear area of 1:1ratio processing with the compression or limit
area in a configurable range. In such situations, the Knee of the dynamic process changes
continuously within the range required. Applied to multi-way systems this progressive compression
and limiting process allows a dynamic control with much more transparency since the headroom or the
available signal margin does not stop with the entry of limiters.
Compressor / Limiter parameters
In the section CRI Knee the choice between Compressor and Limiter can be made. It is important to
remember that a C.R.I Limiter includes a continuous compressor that ends as a limiter.
On selecting Limiter, Limit will appear above the left-hand fader showing the limit value whilst the
Ratio fader remains deactivated; in Limit mode the ratio is 1:0.
On selecting Compressor, the left-hand fader becomes Threshold and the Ratio fader is activated.
In both cases the Gain fader adjusts the gain introduced by the compressor / limiter whilst the Knee
fader is the C.R.I. control indicating the dB margin over which the knee is performing. In each case the
current value is shown in red below each fader.
By clicking on Bypass the whole dynamic section is deactivated. In this case the Bypass button
appears in red.
Once the levels and thresholds of the compressor / limiter have been adjusted, the time constants can
be set up. Attack and Release times have their own fader. The adjusted time value in milliseconds
appears in red.