RAM Audio LMS244 Digital Controller
The Speaker Data Icon in the window Output Equalization will allow you to import ASCII files
containing the measurement data of the transducer/system connected to each output:
Care should be taken to adjust the Reference Level to 0 dB correctly. Here, the average dB value that
you consider you have in the data files should be entered. Normally, this value will be set according to
the mid-range way in the case of multi-way equipment or to the value of the mid-frequencies in full-
range measurements. This value will subsequently be subtracted from all the measurements to centre
the response at around 0 dB on the screen. For instance, if you note that the mid-range average is
around 96 dBspl, you will enter this value as reference. This value can be modified by re-calling the
Import Speaker Frequency Response window and updating the reference value until you see a
response curve which is approximately centred around 0 dB.
Data-files exported in ASCII vary from one system to another one. Here is the process and file format
accepted in each case:
Make an MLS (Maximum Length Sequence) or sinusoidal measurement preferably using a sampling
frequency of 51200 and a smoothing of 1/6 Octave for MLS and at least 1/24 Octave resolution for
sinusoidal. Once the measurement is completed, export it in ASCII format by pressing Shift+F2: this
will generate a file with a name of your choice and the extension .txt which the LMS244 is capable of
The accepted file format is the following:
Freq dB Phase
20.0 82.8 162.24
20.3 82.9 161.44
20.5 82.9 160.54
20.8 83.0 159.54
21.1 83.0 158.45
21.3 82.9 157.28
21.6 82.8 156.04
… … …