Refrigeration Solid State Starter
- A warning signal that an undesirable condition has been detected. The alarm LED will blink
when an alarm condition is detected. See Section 1.6 for more alarm LED information.
Ambient Temperature -
The temperature surrounding a device.
Average Current -
The current measured at each of the three current inputs, averaged together, and
displayed as an rms value.
Bypass Time -
The length of time that must expire after the motor is started to cause the bypass
contactor to engage.
Constant Current Mode -
In this mode, the starting motor current is maintained at a constant level.
When the motor is at full speed, the current is determined by the motor load.
Current Phase A -
The “live” current reading for Phase A.
Current Step -
The initial current limit value of the controller when the DBS is in either the Constant
Current or Step Ramp mode. When in Constant Current mode, this current limit is maintained until
the motor reaches full speed. In Step Ramp mode, this value sets the initial ramp level limit and then
allows the controller to continue the ramp to 500%.
Current Unbalance -
When any one of the three current phases exceeds the average of the three
current phases by more than a predetermined percentage.
Elapsed Run Time -
The time that has expired since the unit has entered the Start state
(Section 9, Table 11).
Fault -
An undesirable condition that will cause an Alarm or a Trip to occur.
FLA (Full Load Amps) -
The amount of current normally drawn by a motor when at rated load and
Heatsink -
Metal used to dissipate the heat of solid-state components mounted on it.
Inline Configuration -
A method of connecting the leads of a three-phase motor which places the
SCRs between the connected motor windings and the three lines of incoming power. In this type of
arrangement, all of the current to the motor passes through the SCRs (also known as outside
Jam -
An increase in motor load which causes the current to rise significantly.
Jam Current Level -
The percentage of FLA that the average of the three current phases is allowed
to reach during the Run state.
Jam Run Delay -
The length of time during the Run state that the current must be above the Jam
Current Level to cause a fault.