This section relates to the following models only:
HN-G-01-1-XXX HN-G-02-1-XXX
6. FILTRON 1-10 (DC) Manual
The Filtron 1-10 requires minimal to no user programming, the following sections are only related to site specific programming
6.1 Features
• Modular backflushing controller for automatic filters of 1 to 2 stations.
• DC controller which also comes with an AC adapter to 12 VDC.
• The DC model can be powered either by four 1.5V “D” Batteries or 12v DC (via the AC adapter) and it activates up to 2 wired DC latch-
ing solenoids. The voltage for the solenoids switching is boosted by a charge pump.
• Flushing cycles may be triggered either by time or by the embedded electronic DP sensor reaching the set point, or by a dry contact
signal from an external DP sensor.
• The unit can optionally handle a Pressure-Sustaining / Main valve, and an Alarm output.
• The unit is equipped with a customized LCD display and key board.
• The unit counts separately the number of flushing cycles triggered by DP, by time and manually.
6.2 How to program the controller
The controller is equipped with an LCD display and 4 keys as displayed below. When the unit is left untouched for a minute the display
is switched off and the only life signal is given by a beep sound that can be heard every 20 seconds. The beep can be disabled in the
programming section. Holding down any of the keys for a few seconds will bring the screen back to life.
The actual DP value.
Availability only
when the built in
electronic DP is used
The DP Set-Point
Available only when
the built in electronic
DP is used
Manual button
The desired flushing
time per station
Enter button
The desired flushing
mode. Contains
either the flushing
interval or the letters
"dp" when the
flushing is triggered
by dp only
The screen consists of several fields, some of them are editable and some of them are not. For inserting EDIT MODE the ENTER key has to be
pushed. The EDIT MODE is indicated by blinking of the characters at the currently editable field. Each time the ENTER key is pushed again,
the next editable field becomes editable and starts blinking. While in EDIT MODE the “+” and “-“ keys can be used for changing the value
under focus. Pushing the ENTER key again will set the selected value to the current field and move the focus to the next editable field which
will start blinking. Once entering this process of passing through the editable fields, the user has no way back but by pushing the ENTER key
repeatedly, he passes through the chain of editable fields until arriving back to the FLUSH TIME field, meeting no more blinking fields.