Reference RLX-IH
Industrial Hotspot
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 75 of 99
April 10, 2007
Windows IH Browser shows you what Ethernet devices are communicating
on your network.
Take advantage of the new features
All RadioLinx Industrial Hotspot Radios™ can easily be upgraded to take
advantage of these features. To upgrade your existing radios just download
Version 2 firmware to any radios you may already have installed in your network.
Upgrades can be done simply over-the-air and the radios will maintain all of the
configuration information that had been previously entered.
Version 1
Revert to Existing Features
If you prefer to avoid adding these features to your network you may also
continue to use your existing system as is and configure new radios to be
compatible with the existing network. All new radios shipped from ProSoft
Technology contain Version 2 firmware. To revert to Version 1, download Version
1 into any new radios you add to the network.
6.3 Radio
The RLX-IH radio consists of the following components, as illustrated and
explained below:
Two antenna ports (AUX and MAIN)
(page 22)
(page 24) that indicate the status of the radio
Ethernet and serial cable ports
(page 76) (Note that the serial port is currently
only used to reset the login password)