2019 Radiocrafts AS
RC1180-MPC1/RC1701HP-MPC1 User Manual (rev. 1.1)
1 Introduction
Quick Start
The MPC module is intended to be used as a Wireless M-Bus slave node, transmitting data from any meter (like
gas-, water-, heat- or electricity meter), transmitting messages that can be received by any standard Wireless M-
Bus receiver, like the Radiocrafts RC11x0-MBUS3 and RC17xx
–MBUS4, acting as Master in the system. The
s) needs to be connected to the MPC module’s PULSE1 or PULSE 2 (or both) inputs. The module is
normally in sleep mode with ultra-low power consumption, only counting and accumulating pulse inputs when the
PULSE1/PULSE2 inputs goes low or high. At a configurable interval, the module wakes up and makes an RF
transmission of the accumulated value. The module can also be used without pulses to the pulse counter input and
will then act as a general ID- and status transmitter.
How do I configure the MPC1 module?
The module has a UART interface which is used for initial setup of the module. For available commands and
configuration parameters
– please see Appendix A and Appendix B.
As part of the initial setup, you can enable Over The Air (OTA123) configuration. This is described further in
chapter 8.
What about the antenna?
In most cases a simple quarter wavelength wire or a PCB track will do. Connect a piece of wire to the RF pin with
length corresponding to the quarter of a wavelength. For space limited products, contact Radiocrafts and we will
recommend the best antenna solution for your application.
Radiocrafts also offer an application note on tuning a 169 MHz antenna in AN025, found here:
The Appendix D of this user manual contains examples of how to perform various configurations.
1.2 Comparing MPC1 and MBUS3/MBUS4 modules
The RC1180-MPC1 and RC1701HP-MPC1 modules are buildt on the RC1180-MBUS3 and RC1701HP-MBUS4
modules respectively. However
– they are enhanced to work as autonomous slave units without the need for an
external MCU.