Radijator Inženjering d.o.o, 36000 Kraljevo, Živojina Lazića
- Solunca br.6, Srbija
tel. +381 36 399 140, fax. +381 36 399 150, http://www.radijator.rs
e-mail: [email protected]
3.2 Measures and safety devices for BIO
UNI 20 Boiler Heating Stove
For safe operation of BIO
UNI 20 Boiler Heating Stove it is necessary to assemble and
maintain the following elements in working condition:
Pressure safety valve, air vent and gauge vent;
Electro mechanical pressure switch for water;
Pressure switch for flue gases;
Thermostats in the automation of the boiler.
Pressure safety valve (figure 2), air vent (figure 3) and gauge vent (figure 4):
Figure 2. Pressure safety valve Figure 3. Air vent Figure 4. Gauge vent
Pressure safety valve factory is maunted and must be of nominal diameter of 1/2 inch
calibrated to a maximum of 3 bars.
This security element which belongs to the group of pressure limiters must be of such
construction to withstand short-term overdrafts and temperatures and pressure as well as
the content in the liquid glycol for heating.
This safety element must be subjected to periodic re-calibration , of which the investor,
i.e. the user of the boiler must have valid documentation.
Recommend and install a pressure gauge (Figure 4) the hydraulic installation.
Safety valve must be mounted on the highest point directly to the boiler and the boiler
without any pipeline or any other elements in between. For this purpose there is a
specially designed connector (see picture). Any reduction in the diameter of the
connector during servicing and assembly of a new safety valve is strictly forbidden.
Drain or exhaust of the safety valves must be of pipes with a diameter at least equal to the
nominal diameter of the outlet part of the valve. You are allowed to use up its production
of an arc of radius r> 3d.
The safety valve must have a nameplate and the following information on it:
- Name of manufacture;
- Designation of type of safety valve / year of testing;
- Nominal flow rate;