Radijator Inženjering d.o.o, 36000 Kraljevo, Živojina Lazića
- Solunca br.6, Srbija
tel. +381 36 399 140, fax. +381 36 399 150, http://www.radijator.rs
e-mail: [email protected]
Possible cause 1.
Problem 1. Poor quality of pellets. Pellets are of low power, and increased humidity
The procedure for troubleshooting of Problem 1. Provide the pellet of proved quality and
test it.
Possible cause 2.
Problem 2. Air temperature (which was brought to the fireplace for firing and burning) is
extremely low (below zero ).
The process of resolving the Problem 2. Prolonging the time for preheating of heaters for
firing t02 to the range of 300 - 400 seconds.
Possible cause 3.
Problem 3. Mains voltage that is connected onto the boiler is considerably lower than
220- 230V, so the power of the heater is lower.
The process of resolving the Problem 3. Raising the time for preheating heater for firing,
t02, to the range of 300 - 400 seconds. If this measure does not work then connect the AC
Voltage adapter.
Possible cause 4.
Problem 4. The amount of pellets in the combustion chamber is insufficient to put the
boiler into operation.
The process of resolving the Problem 4. Possible mechanical problems with pellet
conveyor. Check the accuracy of dozer.
Possible cause 5.
Problem 5. There are situations in which there is a flame , but by checking the exhaust
gases it can clearly be seen that there is not enough pellets for the boiler to pass from the
stage of stabilization ( Stabilization) into operating mode ( Run mode). This occurs
because the pellet structure (length, stickiness, the amount of dust, etc.) is such that the
time t03 of fixed feeding is not sufficient.
The process of resolving the Problem 5. This problem is eliminated by extending the
time of fixed feeding, t03. Recommendation is that this time is extended cautiously, first
for ten or fifteen seconds, and if that is not enough then for another five seconds and so
on. After that, resolving the troubleshooting should be combined with the procedure from
the following item.