ComboXCAT-IP User Guide
Rackit Technology Corporation – – 1-800-636-3434
Exclusive Access
If a user has the appropriate permission, he or she can force the Remote Consoles of
all other users to close. No one can open the Remote Console at the same time again
until this user disables the exclusive access, or logs off.
A change in the access mode is also visible in the status line.
Figure 4-4 Remote Console Exclusive Mode
Allow you to scale down the Remote Console. You can still use both mouse and
keyboard, however the scaling algorithm will not preserve all display details.
When you designate 25%, 50%, or100% scaling, the size of Remote Console window
is calculated according to the remote host video setting with scaling algorithm
execution. When you designate "Scale to fit", the remote video displaying is scaled to
fit the size of Remote Console window.
Figure 4-5 Remote Console Options Menu:Scaling