ComboXCAT-IP User Guide
Rackit Technology Corporation – – 1-800-636-3434
3. What operating systems does ComboXCAT-IP support?
ComboXCAT-IP supports Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000/XP and
above, Unix, Unix-like Operating System (Sun Solaris, Linux) and Mac OSX.
4. What browsers does ComboXCAT-IP support?
ComboXCAT-IP support Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6.0 or higher,
Netscape 7.0 and Mozilla 1.6
5. Does ComboXCAT-IP work with other brand's KVM switch?
Yes, ComboXCAT-IP can work with most standard KVM.
6. How many letters the username and password can be set on
ComboXCAT-IP accepts 32 letters of username and password.
7. How many concurrent user of ComboXCAT-IP?
ComboXCAT-IP accepts 15 concurrent users.
8. How many bits of connection encrypted of ComboXCAT-IP?
ComboXCAT-IP provides AES 256 bits connection encrypted.
9. Local mouse and remote mouse didn't sync after doing mouse Intelligent
Please don't put window on left-up corner of remote console of ComboXCAT-IP.
Intelligent Sync has to re-calculate the coordinate of mouse from left-up corner on
remote console.