ComboXCAT-IP User Guide
Rackit Technology Corporation – – 1-800-636-3434
If displaying motion pictures on a connection with low speed you may
achieve an improvement regarding the video transfer rate by lowering
the color depth and disabling the option "Video Optimized". As a general
result, the data rate is reduced (less bits per color). Furthermore, the
OPMA module will not have to do any video compression. In total, this
will lead to less transfer time of the motion picture.
4.3.3 Status Line of Remote Console
Status Line
Shows both console and the connection state. The size of the remote screen is
displayed. Figure belowwas taken from a Remote Console with a resolution of
800x600 pixels. The value in brackets describes the connection to the Remote
Console. "Norm" means a standard connection without encryption, "SSL" means a
secure connection.
Figure 4-15 Status line
Furthermore, both the incoming ("In:") and the outgoing ("Out:") network traffic are
visible (in kb/s). If compressed encoding is enabled, a value in brackets displays the
compressed transfer rate.
Figure 4-16 Status line transfer rate
For more information about Monitor Only and Exclusive Access settings, see related