Racelogic Ltd PerformanceTools Software
Page 68
Clicking on the ‘Tools’ icon on the Toolbar will reveal a drop-down list containing a number of
useful features, such as File Repair and the Exporting Data to Mapping Software facility.
Arrange Windows
The use of different screen resolutions or multiple screens can
cause PerformanceBox Tools windows to be placed out side of the
default screen size, which is then not viewable when the default
screen is used.
This facility allows any PerformanceBox Tools windows that have
been lost off the visible screen to be located back into the visible
screen area.
Export Data
This option allows the location data stored on a ‘.dbn’ file to be
converted into a ‘.txt’ file that may be used with Google Earth,
Microsoft AutoRoute and Microsoft Streets & Trips, to show the vehicle’s path in the mapping
software. This option is also used to create a file that can be used in Track Vision software.
Exporting Data to Google Earth
Data can be exported to Google Earth by selecting the Tools menu and choosing the Google
Earth option. The resultant file .kml is recognised by the Google Earth software and allows
data to be viewed on the satellite images.
Upon exporting the file, you will be prompted for an X and Y offset: this allows for data to be
correctly aligned on the satellite images
– much of Google Earth is not exactly accurate so
some exported files, such as circuit overlays, may ‘miss’ the edges of the track. The offset
allows for this error to be corrected.
NOTE: if your data file has more than 65,000 sample points the PerformanceBox software
will automatically sub-sample the file to ensure the entire length of the file is represented in
the exported file. Google Earth cannot display files of greater than 65,000 samples.
Exporting to Mapping Software (AutoRoute or Streets & Trips)
Load the ‘.dbn’ file into PerformanceBox Tools using the ‘Load All’ button from the main toolbar, then
click on the ‘Export Data To Mapping Software’ option in the ‘Tools’ menu.
A small selection box will appear, in which the export rate can be chosen.