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User Manual
Rev. 1.0 - 20/06/08
PJ500C-LCD, PJ700C-LCD & PJ1000light
Modifies Power Good threshold for forward power. The Power Good
rate is a percent of equipment rated power (500W for
700W for
and 1000 W for
), not of forward
output power. This means that this threshold set at 50% will give 250,
350 and 500 W, respectively, regardless of set power level. The Power
Good feature enables output power control and reporting. When output
power drops below set Power Good threshold, the equipment changes
the state of pin [7] of the DB15 “Remote” connector located on the rear
panel (figure 6.2).
5.4.2 Power Menu (Pwr)
This screen holds all readings related to machine output power:
Menu 5
Forward power reading.
Reflected power reading.
Input power reading.
Note that these are readings, rather than settings, and cannot be edited (note
the empty arrow). To change power setting, go to the
default menu
(menu 1) as
outlined earlier.
5.4.3 Power Amplifier (P.A) Menu
This screen is made up of four lines that can be scrolled using the buttons and
, shows the readings relating to final power stage:
Menu 6