Residual Risks
The Mobile Lifter is built according to the latest state of the art and the recognised safety rules. Nevertheless, the
use of the Mobile Lifter may cause danger to life and limb of the user or third parties or damage to the Mobile
Lifter and other equipment. Due to the construction of the Mobile Lifter, the following residual risks can occur
even when used as intended and despite compliance with all relevant safety regulations:
Reading and applying the operating manual is mandatory for the operating personnel.
Be alert to possible crushing hazards:
a) when transporting the Mobile Lifter by forklift truck: between forks & pallet / Mobile Lifter
b) when picking up the Mobile Lifter: between Mobile Lifter / pallet and floor
c) when lowering the Mobile Lifter: between Mobile Lifter and fixed equipment
Be alert to possible crushing hazards when lowering the Mobile Lifter (from the cargo pallet to the
floor) with a forklift truck or overhead crane.
Be aware of the danger from falling objects such as workpieces, tools or similar. Therefore, wear
safety shoes, especially when transporting and setting down the Mobile Lifter.
It is strictly forbidden to “ride along” with the Mobile Lifter during a li
fting operation (by means of a
forklift truck or overhead crane). There is a high risk of falling!
It is strictly forbidden to enter or climb onto the Mobile Lifter during a lifting operation (by means
of a forklift truck or overhead crane). There is a high risk of falling!
Increased risk of injury or even death. Entering the danger zone under a lifted load during transport
or installation by means of a forklift truck is prohibited!
Increased risk of injury or even death. It is forbidden to enter the forklift platform during transport
or installation!
Unauthorised persons are not allowed to enter the installation area or the movement area of the
Mobile Lifter (responsibility of the operator).
Stop! Staying under a lifted load is prohibited. Increased risk of injury or even death for persons
standing under a lifted or suspended load!
Danger due to electric shock! Work on the electrical components, batteries and vacuum pump may
only be carried out by qualified personnel.
Be aware of possible tripping and slipping hazards on the floor. Prevent possible hazards by
keeping the floor dry and clean and by using anti-slip floor coverings around the Mobile Lifter.
Acute danger of crushing underneath the table top! Never reach into the shears and never move
your body into this area! There is an increased risk of accidents with loss of limbs or even death.
When using additional machines on the Mobile Lifter, first read the respective operating instruc-
tions and comply with the specified safety regulations.
Be aware of the fire hazard during the processing of wood due to wood dust, in connection with
flying sparks and/or open fire!
Observe the Environmental Protection Regulations
During all work with the Mobile Lifter, the environmental protection regulations, obligations and laws for waste
avoidance and proper recycling and/or disposal applicable at the place of use must be observed. This applies in
particular to installation, repair and maintenance work involving substances that could pollute the groundwater
(e.g. lubricants and cleaning agents and liquids containing solvents). In any case, prevent them from seeping into
the ground or entering the sewage system.
Store and transport the above-mentioned hazardous substances only in suitable containers.
Avoid leakage of hazardous substances by using suitable collection containers. Ensure that
the above-mentioned substances are disposed of by a qualified disposal company.