Hazardous Areas
Working area
Around the Mo-
bile Lifter, espe-
cially when mov-
ing with a
clamped load, as
the view to the
front is very re-
stricted by a
clamped panel.
Further hazards
due to swivel-
ling, tilting, ro-
tating and ad-
justing the
height of a sus-
pended load.
Bumping and
crushing of per-
sons and body
Dangerous tipping
or falling of the
suspended load.
Driving over per-
Mild, moderate
and severe im-
pact, shearing or
crushing injuries
or even death.
When moving, make sure that
there are no persons in front of
a suspended panel (limited visi-
Keep people out of the moving
area of the Mobile Lifter.
If necessary, call in a second
person to give instruction and
to and secure the moving area.
Before a movement with a
load, always check that the load
is securely clamped over all six
vacuum pads and that the red
warning lamp is off.
During load adjustment, station-
ary operation and movement via
the castors, no persons may be
under or in the immediate vicin-
ity of the load.
On all mechani-
cally movable
parts (e.g. lift
mast mechanics)
as well as on all
manually or mo-
torised adjusta-
ble components.
Bump, crush and
shear points
Loss of limbs,
bruising of the
hands, increased
risk of injury or
even death.
Never reach into the move-
ment area or move your body
into this area during manual or
motorised adjustment.
Always keep the protective
grille closed and never work
without the protective grille.
Open hair, loose clothing,
watches and jewellery are pro-
Keep other persons (e.g. ob-
servers) out of the danger
Vacuum pump
with open
Outflowing air, gases
and dust
Injuries of the
eyes and respira-
tory tract.
Always keep the housing closed
during operation.
Do not look into the openings
of the pump when the housing
is open. Wear protective gog-
gles and a respirator mask if
On the mains
connection and
the supply line of
the battery
charger, on the
pole terminals of
the two batteries
and on all live
when the enclo-
sures or covers
are open.
Electrical voltage
(230 VAC) at the
supply line and at
the input of the bat-
tery charger.
High currents at the
battery terminals as
well as at all further
Electric shocks
with increased
risk of injury or
even death!
Danger of elec-
tric shock at the
battery terminals
and cables even
when the main
switch is off!
Avoid moisture
Have defective parts / insula-
tion repaired immediately
(only by qualified electricians!).
Always keep the housing and
covers closed (only qualified
electricians are allowed to
open them!).
Do not touch live components.
Switch off the main switch dur-
ing all maintenance and repair
Further hazard sources can be found in the next section
“Residual Risks”