DoorProtect User Manual
Updated June 30, 2020
DoorProtect is a wireless door and window opening detector designed for
indoor use. It can operate up to 7 years from a pre-installed battery and capable
to detect more than one million openings. DoorProtect has a socket for
connecting an external detector.
The functional element of DoorProtect is a sealed contact reed relay. It consists of
ferromagnetic contacts placed in a bulb that form a continuous circuit under the effect
of a constant magnet.
DoorProtect operates within the Ajax security system, connecting via the
radio protocol. Communication range is up to 1,200 m in the
integration modules,
DoorProtect can be used as part of third party security systems.
The detector is set up via
for iOS, Android, macOS and Windows. The
app noti es user of all events through push noti cations, SMS and calls (if