Rev 1. 1 05/08/19
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MP2 User Guide
means the lowest bit and 16 means the highest bit. Some register map will show 0-15 and in that case 0
is the first bit and 15 is the 16
Register Format
Use the Format drop down to select the register type. Digital inputs and Coil registers are single Byte
format. Analog input registers are always Word registers. For Holding registers, they can be Word (16
bit), Dword (32bit), Float for floating setpoint or Sword for signed word format. Sign word is a 16 bit
register that can have a positive or negative value.
Figure 51 - Modbus Register Format
Register Offset and Multiplier
The offset field is used to correct or modify the value being returned by the Modbus device. The offset
is applied after any multiplier being used for the register. Enter a positive or negative value to be
applied to the reading. Some registers return an integer value that could be in different engineering
units than what is desired to be displayed in the MP2. The multiplier can be used to change the
displayed value into the proper units. For example, to convert a register reading Celsius into Fahrenheit,
the multiplier would be 1.8 and the offset would be 32. Or if a register is reading in hundreds and you
want to change that to ones based you could have a multiplier of 0.01.
Log Type and Interval
Select the log type of NONE for no logging, COS for Change of Stage or Time for interval logging based on
the number of minutes entered in the interval field. COS logging works best for registers that return a
binary state such as 0 and 1 or on and off. Interval logging is best used for analog sensors to trend their
value of a specific time interval. The maximum time interval is 1440 minutes (24hrs).