Rev 1. 1 05/08/19
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MP2 User Guide
DNP Configuration
The MP2 supports DNP3 via ethernet and serial communications. The DNP option will allow the MP2 to
function as a DNP outstation to provide status of its universal inputs and digital outputs. The system
supports polling of the points along with unsolicited messages of inputs defined as digital and digital
outputs. Use the options to enable DNP3 over IP and select the TCP port (default 20000), local address
(the MP2’s address), the Remote address and the point class if used. The system will support point class
1,2 or 3 to provide the status of points that have changed since the last poll.
Figure 29 - DNP Outstation setup
SNMP/SMTP General Configuration
Use this section to set up the common settings when using SNMP or SMTP (Email). When using
SNMPv3, you can have SNMPv1 & v2c active by putting in a Read and Write community string. Leave
these fields blank to disable v1 & v2c SET and GET operations. Contact Quest to obtain the MIB files for
the MP2. There is a specific MP2 MIB for doing SET and GET commands
along with Quest’s standard
Alarm MIB file for trap reception.
The Heartbeat function can be enabled by entering an interval value in seconds. This will cause the
system to send an Informational level trap to indicate the system is active and the SNMP protocol is
The SMTP setup is to allow the MP2 to send text-based emails when an alarm occurs. Enter the SMTP
server information, username and password if necessary, to allow the MP2 to connect to the sever for
sending email notifications. The email dispatch addresses and alarm severity are configured in the
Settings Alarm Dispatch page (section 8.2.2). The format of the email can be found in Appendix D