11. Battery
This alarm is powered by a non-replaceable, sealed lithium battery system. No battery installation or
replacement is necessary for the life of the alarm.
Constant exposure to high or low humidity or temperatures may reduce battery life.
WArnIng: no serVIceAble PArts InclUded. do not AttemPt to oPen the AlArm For Any
reAson! do not try to rePAIr the AlArm by yoUrselF.
low battery
This alarm is equipped with a low battery monitor circuit. If the battery capacity can no longer provide adequate power
for all alarm functions, the low battery condition will occur. See Section 3 : Troubleshooting Guide. The unit must be
replaced within 7 days of the first occurrence of the “Low Battery Warning” to provide continuous alarm protection.
12. Permanently Disable Alarm / Discharge Battery
WArnIng: FAIlUre to dIschArge AlArm bAttery As InstrUcted PrIor to
dIsPosAl mAy creAte PotentIAl For lIthIUm bAttery relAted FIre or hAzArd.
WArnIng: dIschArgIng the AlArm bAttery Is PermAnent
Once the alarm battery has been discharged, it cannot be reactivated!
Once discharged, the alarm will NO LONGER DETECT SMOKE.
Once the alarm battery is discharged, the battery is depleted and the alarm will no longer function.
Once the alarm battery has been discharged, the alarm cannot be mounted onto the mounting plate or reactivated.
to Permanently disable Alarm / discharge battery:
Rotate the alarm counterclockwise to remove it from the mounting plate.
Push in the dashed area with a screwdriver to break tab (Figure 12-A).
After the tab is broken, use the screwdriver to turn the red slotted arrow
to the "Permanently Disable Alarm / Discharge Battery" location. This
will disable the alarm, stop the low battery or end of unit life “chirps” and
render the alarm safe for disposal by draining the battery (Figure 12-B).
Figures 12-A (top) and 12-B (bottom)