9. Operation and Testing
The alarm is operating once it is activated and testing is complete. When products of combustion (smoke) are sensed, the
unit sounds a loud alarm with voice messages. See Sections 1 and 2 for alarm signal descriptions.
Test your alarm weekly by pressing and releasing the test button quickly. A quick beep will confirm the button has been
pushed followed by voice prompts that will inform you of the upcoming test sequence. See Section 2: Other Alarm Visual
and Audible Indicators table. The alarm and voice (and any interconnected units) will sound if the electronic circuitry,
horn, speaker, and battery are working. If the alarm or voice does not sound, or gives erratic or low volume sound, the unit
must be replaced. See Section 12: Permanently Disable Alarm / Discharge Battery to determine how to prepare the unit
for shipment or disposal.
WArnIng: dUe to the loUdness oF the AlArm, AlWAys stAnd AboUt 2.5 Feet AWAy From
the UnIt or Use eAr ProtectIon When testIng.
WArnIng: do not Use An oPen FlAme to test yoUr AlArm, yoU coUld dAmAge the
AlArm or IgnIte combUstIble mAterIAls And stArt A strUctUre FIre.
Ambient light sensing
This unit samples the ambient light conditions of the alarm’s location and, if possible, determines a Night / Day cycle.
A valid Night / Day cycle will delay unit chirps during the night until the next Day cycle begins.
When chirping begins during the next Day cycle, you can temporarily silence End of Unit Life or Network Error chirps by
pressing the Test/Hush button. Low Battery chirps cannot be silenced.
If a valid Night / Day cycle has not been established because the unit
is located in either a constantly dark or lighted location, the chirps
mentioned above will not be delayed at night. Moving the unit to a
different location might allow the unit to determine a valid Night /
Day cycle.
WArnIng: rePlAce UnIt As soon As PossIble When In end oF UnIt lIFe or loW bAttery mode.
PossIble chIrPIng reAsons
End of Unit Life: will be delayed at night
Network Error: will be delayed at night
Low battery: will be delayed at night