E N - 0 1 4 6 3 5 - U M R e v 2 N P C - D - 6 x x 0 N a n o M e c h a n i s m C o n t r o l l e r U s e r M a n u a l Page 15 of 34
w w w . n a n o p o s i t i o n i n g . c o m
“CLOSED” indicator LED
(per channel)
Indicates the status of the stage control Loop
OFF = Stage NOT connected
ORANGE = Stage settings being loaded on connection
RED = Controller operating in OPEN loop mode
GREEN = Controller operating in CLOSED loop mode
YELLOW = Controller servo output frozen
“IN-POS” indicator LED
(per channel)
Indicates the status of the stage position in CLOSED loop mode.
ORANGE = Stage settings being loaded on connection
OFF = Stage has not reached the desired position
GREEN = Stage has reached the desired position (within
specified limits)
Note: In OPEN loop mode or with no stage connected, LED is
always off.
Nano Mechanism
Stage piezo HV supply, power for calibration EEPROM
and measuring signals for capacitive sensor operation.
NOTE High Voltage present on connector
– up to 160Vdc
“POS MON” connector(s)
(per channel)
Analogue position monitor (POS MON) output BNC connector(s)
– single ended output(s). Indicates relative position of the stage.
“ANA I/P” connector(s)
(per channel)
Analogue command input BNC connector(s)
– single ended
input(s). Signal used to control the stage position when used in
analogue mode.
Rear panel
The rear panel provides power input, ON/OFF switch, digital I/O and PC connectivity to the
– see
Figure 2: Rear panel layout