LTE Band12/85:
LTE Band13:
LTE Band14:
12.272 dBi
LTE Band71:
11.447 dBi
LTE Band85:
12.770 dBi
5. This module must not transmit simultaneously with any other antenna or
6. The host end product must include a user manual that clearly defines operating
requirements and conditions that must be observed to ensure compliance with current
FCC RF exposure guidelines.
For portable devices, in addition to the conditions 3 through 6 described above, a
separate approval is required to satisfy the SAR requirements of FCC Part 2.1093
If the device is used for other equipment that separate approval is required for all other
operating configurations, including portable configurations with respect to 2.1093 and
different antenna configurations.
For this device, OEM integrators must be provided with labeling instructions of finished
products. Please refer to KDB784748 D01 v07, section 8. Page 6/7 last two
A certified modular has the option to use a permanently affixed label, or an electronic
label. For a permanently affixed label, the module must be labeled with an FCC ID -
Section 2.926 (see 2.2 Certification (labeling requirements) above). The OEM manual
must provide clear instructions explaining to the OEM the labeling requirements,
options and OEM user manual instructions that are required (see next paragraph).
For a host using a certified modular with a standard fixed label, if (1) the module’s FCC
ID is not visible when installed in the host, or (2) if the host is marketed so that end