Construction manual:
PiXtend V1.3 Full
Kit Assembly
2.15 Assembly of the integrated circuits (ICs)
Now it is time to put the integrated circuits in the sockets. For an easy an unproblematic
connection the pins if the IC should be bent.
The “feet” are standing not exactly straight down, how you can see in Figure 69 (left). The
chip can be hold on its plastic housing and then getting pressed against a hard surface
until the wanted angel is reached. Like that all Pins of each IC are getting bent equally.
After bending the pins should have an angel of 90° to the plastic housing, how you can see
in Figure 69 (right).
When mounting the prepared ICs it is to care for the notch, same as at the montage of the
IC sockets.
The notch of the IC, IC socket and the printing on the board have to
If the ICs are getting mounted wrong it can lead to malfunction and
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Figure 69: Preparation of the ICs