Construction manual:
PiXtend V1.3 Full
Kit Assembly
2.8 Poly fuse
The fuses are getting mounted same as the ceramic capacitors. Too must be cared for the
polarity here.
1. 6x 3 A
2. 2x 100 mA
(Caution: Danger of mix-up with ceramic capacitors)
3. 2x 50 mA
(Caution: Danger of mix-up with ceramic capacitors)
The form of the components can variate. But they can be differentiated by the size and the
quantity easily.
The big 3 A-fuses are one of the highest components on the circuit board. If later the
PiXtend-metal housing should be used, then take care that the fuses are not overhanging
to high out of the board and press them down all way before soldering. Or they will collide
with the housing later. The correct position shows figure 55 in section 2.10.
Copyright by Qube Solutions UG (limited liability)
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Figure 52: Poly fuses in overview