Quartz Q16/Q32 System Manual
18 May 2004
Issue 5.00
Page 34
Inputs 1-32,
outputs 1-32, and
(PC-158 / PC-215)
Main PSU
Backup PSU
The audio inputs are transformer coupled and normally terminated in 110
, but can be factory-fitted
for S/PDIF inputs which are unbalanced and of 75
The audio signal passes through an input receiver circuit that locks an oscillator to re-clock the signal
so that the correct pulse widths and timings are regenerated. The circuit can cope automatically with
any of the standards mentioned above. The phase-locked loop is designed to minimise the jitter on
the signal.
Inputs 1-16 are installed on the main matrix module and Inputs 17-32 on an optional sub-module.
The input and output connectors are D50 multi-way types.
A single crosspoint chip has the capacity to switch 32 inputs to the 32 outputs.
The output drivers are normally arranged to drive 110
lines, but can be factory-fitted to drive S/PDIF
The module has the capability of 32 outputs, but for systems with 16 outputs it is fitted with 16 output
stages only.
RS422 Control Level Routing
The RS422 Control Level Router is used mainly for machine control, to assign e.g. VTRs to an edit
controller. RS422 uses four wires with one pair used for the transmit signal and the other pair for the
receive, so the router handles both a forward and a reverse signal path through the matrix. The bi-
directional nature of the RS422 signal imposes a limitation such that an RS422 device can only be
routed to one other RS422 device. This is known as XY lock out. The router control system provides
two mechanisms to prevent multiple devices being connected together.
Last Take Wins (chronological):
when a user routes an RS422 ‘input’ device to an RS422
‘output’ device, any other device previously connected to the input or output device is routed
to the IDLE route (no connection).
Take From Idle:
this prevents accidental changes to existing RS422 routes by only allowing
devices to be routed if they are currently connected to the IDLE route.
There are currently two sizes of RS422 port router, the Q32-PR and Q6400-PR. Port routers treat all
the RS422 RJ45 connectors on the rear panel as general connectors, i.e. neither inputs nor outputs.
Therefore any RJ45 connector can be routed to any other RJ45 connector and is a very flexible
approach to machine control routing.
Both routers can also support RS232 by changing any dual channel RS422 SIMM for the dual
channel RS232 SIMM.
The 2U Q32-PR frame is shown in schematic form below