Current Temperature
[F1 CT ?]
What is the current temperature of the holder?
......[F1 CT 22.84]
The current temperature is 22.84 ºC.
[F1 CT +3]
Automatically report current temperature every 3 seconds.
[F1 CT -]
Stop periodic current temperature reports.
Probe Status
[F1 PS ?]
Is there an external temperature probe connected?
......[F1 PR +]
A probe is connected.
......[F1 PR -]
No probe is connected.
[F1 PS +]
Enable probe status to be sent automatically when a probe is
installed or removed. This is the default.
[F1 PS -]
Disable automatic sending of probe status.
[F1 PT ?]
What is the current probe temperature?
[F1 PT +3]
Automatically report the probe temperature every 3 seconds.
......[F1 PT 22.3]
The current probe temperature is 22.3 degrees.
......[F1 PT NA]
Probe temperature is not available.
[F1 PT -]
Stop automatic probe temperature report.
[F1 PA S 0.5]
Automatically report probe temperature every increment of 0.5
degrees during a ramp. (Increment must be a positive value
without sign in tenths between 0.1 and 9.9 degrees and will
work for ramps going up or down.)
[F1 PA +]
Start automatic reporting of probe temperature every temperature
......[F1 PT 30.5]
The current probe temperature is 30.5 degrees.
[F1 PA -]
Stop automatic reporting of probe temperature every temperature
[F1 PX +]
Change probe temperature returned to a precision of 0.01
Error Reporting
[F1 ER ?]
Report the current error. For a more complete description, see
"Error Codes" in the help system of the Serial Control
......[F1 ER -1] N
o current error
......[F1 ER 05]
Cell T out of range (Loose cable? Sensor failure?)
......[F1 ER 06]
Cell & heat exchanger T out of range (Loose cable?)
......[F1 ER 07]
Heat exchanger T out of range (Loose cable? Sensor failure?)
......[F1 ER 08]
Inadequate coolant (check flow). Control has shut down.