Enhanced Display
The Enhanced Display module is primarily used with specialty control devices such as a head array. It
also can be used to provide a graphic display for the Stand-alone Joystick. When used with the hand
control, it provides a larger display than the hand control's LCD. The Enhanced Display is mainly used
in more advanced applications. Contact your Quantum Rehab Provider for more information.
The Enhanced Display has the following controls:
On/Off Button
Enables/disables power
On/Off and Mode Jacks
Allow for remote On/Off and Mode Switch installations
Mode Button
Allows changes to client modes without using the client's switch or input device
9-pin D-sub Connector
Allows for connection of a specialty control device
LCD Screen
A color LCD display that may be equipped with built-in infrared (IR) for remote control and with
Bluetooth mouse control
4-Direction Navigation Key
The up/down arrows of the four-direction navigation key activate seating functions while the left/right
arrows select previous (left) or next (right) seating functions (multiple seating functions required).
The up/down arrows also navigate up and down through the menu on the setting/Aux screens and
the left/right arrows function as Esc command (left) and Select (right).
Enhanced Display settings
When the enhanced display is the active input
device, cycling through the mode will reveal an
Auxiliary screen, after the drive screens and before
the seat screen.
The Auxilary screen gives the user access to the
settings. The settings in the Enhanced Display are
the same as the setting found under the "Home
Button Section" of this manual. All adjustments are
performed the same way