Electronic Temperature Monitor
E C N - 2 7 6 4 4
1 8
J u l y 7 , 2 0 1 0
Error Codes
During normal operation the system is constantly checking itself for proper
operation. If a failure is detected, the fans are turned ON and the unit is put into
the alarm state. The unit will then operate as follows:
Failed Sensor
Show “- - -“ on the display during the time when that sensor value would be
Show which sensor is bad
System continues to function using the remaining input channels
Failed A/D Converter
Show “E11 on all channels
Failed Ambient Temperature Sensor
Show “E22” on all channels
Set ambient temperature at 30
Continue to operate using 30
C ambient
Failed EEROM After Initial Start-up
Show “E33” on all channels
Continue to operate
Failed EEROM at Power-up
Show “E33” on all channels
Failed Display Driver
Continue to operate
Failed Microprocessor
Unit will not operate but failure is detected. The FANS will turn ON and
ALARM relay will be in the alarm state.
Intermittent sensor connection
If there is an intermittent sensor the alarm and fan relays will latch ON.
During the time the sensor is open the display will show “- - -“. During the
time the sensor is closed it will show b – C (bad connection). Once the
problem is resolved, push the SILENCE button to unlatch the alarm and fan
Reversed Thermocouple
If a thermocouple is installed with the wires reversed, the temperature reading
will go down as the temperature of the thermocouple goes up. If the
thermocouple temperature is 30°C colder than the temperature inside the unit,
the unit will operate the alarm and the fan relay contacts, and the display will
show - - -.
There may be cases where this feature will cause a false alarm. The reversed
thermocouple detection can be turned off as described in Appendix A.