Electronic Temperature Monitor
E C N - 2 7 6 4 4
1 5
J u l y 7 , 2 0 1 0
Manual Setpoint Adjustment
Although the preferred method of changing the unit setup is to use a computer
connected to the RS-232 port, there may be cases where it is desired to change a
setpoint in the field when there is no computer available. The model 118 has this
capability by using the following procedure:
Push and hold the MAX MEMORY RESET button for 5 seconds. The unit
will stop scrolling, the FAN light will be on and the display will show the Fan
setpoint. (This will also reset the Max Memory)
Use the AUDIBLE and MAX MEMORY buttons to step the Fan setpoint up
or down.
Push the MANUAL FAN button. The ALARM light will be on and the
display will show the Alarm setpoint.
Use the AUDIBLE and MAX MEMORY buttons to step the Alarm setpoint
up or down.
Push the MANUAL FAN button. The TRIP light will be on and the display
will show the Trip setpoint.
Use the AUDIBLE and MAX MEMORY buttons to step the Trip setpoint up
or down.
Push the MANUAL FAN button. The display will indicate whether the
reverse thermocouple function is active (rS) or inactive (nrS). Use the
AUDIBLE or MAX MEMORY buttons to toggle between rS and nrS.
Push the MANUAL FAN button. The new settings are saved and the unit
returns to normal operation.
If during the above process no button is pushed within 30 seconds, the unit returns
to normal operation.
When the setpoint is changed using the above technique the switching differential
is preserved. Thus, if the original fan setpoint were 190°C with a 10°C switching
differential, the fans would come on at 190°C and turn off at 180°C. If the above
method is used to change the setpoint to 175°C, then the fans will turn on at
175°C and off at 165°C.