The Quadratec Adventure Top has been
engineered to the original factory wind-
shield measurements but in rare cases,
this measurement may vary slightly from
vehicle to vehicle due to prolonged use of
the vehicle, worn seals or other factors.
To make sure your windshield header is
sealed properly on the windshield, please
see FIGs 65 & 66 which show the proper
location of the front header on the
windshield when the front header is
clamped down and the over door bows
are attached to the bow brackets. If your
windshield header seals as shown in
these pictures you are all ready to go and
no further adjustments are necessary.
If the header “overhangs” the windshield
or exposes the inside windshield seal, the
header on your vehicle is not sealed cor-
rectly and you will get air and potentially
water leaks.
Step 11: Ensure your Front Header is properly adjusted on the windshield
If your windshield header is over-hanging
or seems “short” on the windshield, you
will need to slightly relocate the quick re-
lease knobs on the over door bows for-
wards or backwards. This slight change
will move the entire header forward (for
“short” mis-location) or backward (For
Header “over-hang”).
Locate the over door quick release knob
shown in FIG 67. Remove the screw hold-
ing the knob on the tube using a Philips
head screw driver and move the quick re-
lease Knob forward or backward (Back-
ward for over-hang, forward for short)
about ¼” or less making sure the slot on
the quick release knob is facing up (FIG
68) and the knob itself is facing inwards.
Using a 3/32 drill bit, drill a new pilot
hole and attach the screw you just re-
moved in the new hole. Repeat on the
opposite side. This “fine tuning” will
make your Adventure Top air and
water tight.
If Needed: Corrective Action for mis-aligned Windshield Header
Knob facing inward
with the slot in the
quick release
facing straight up
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