Quadra-Fire • SAPH-MBK-IPI, SAPH-D-PMH-IPI, SAPH-D-MBK-IPI, SAPH-D-CSB-IPI Installation Manual • 2343-980_R8 • 11/14
B. Securing and Leveling the Appliance
WARNING! Risk of Fire!
Prevent contact with combustible
WARNING! Risk of Fire!
Failure to maintain air space
clearance may cause overheating and fire.
Figure 8.10
1. thread allen bolts through nuts until flush.
Two Allen bolts and two nuts are included in the
component bag. Normally, only one is required on the leg
not touching the floor.
Figure 8.12
3. Use a 5/32 in. (4mm) allen wrench to adjust legs up and
down to desired level.
Figure 8.11
2. Slide assembled nuts and bolts into slots on legs with the
nuts on the bottom.